- Glenside Middle School
- Cathy Murphy

Phone: 630.260.6112
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Murphy
My name is Ms. Murphy. I am super excited about being your teacher this year. First, a few things about myself. I am originally from a very small town in Missouri, not far from the Mississippi River. I went to college in Hannibhal, Mo, where I earned two degrees. Associates in Applied Science and Bachelor of Science in Education. I taught for one year in Hannibal before moving to Dallas, Texas, where I was a classroom teacher. While there, I taught K, 2nd, 3rd and was the TAG (talented and gifted) teacher in grades K-6. I completed my Masters at Dallas Baptist University with a degree of Master of Education in School Counseling. I moved to Illinois in 2002 and I currently teach 8th grade at Glenside Middle School. All together, I have 29 years of experience in Education in grades K-8.
While I was in Dallas, I did some exciting things. I used to sing opera for the Dallas Symphony Chorus. I have been to New York City twice and performed in Carnigie Hall and was on TV during a Christmas special. I also love to travel. I have been blessed to see about 5 countries and 40 + states. I tried a new adventure this summer; camping. It was awesome.
I look forward to talking and sharing some of these experiences with you and I hope you will do the same. Here is to a new and exciting year. I can't wait to meet you.