

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kuchta

Math Teacher, Instructional Coach, and District Gifted Coordinator

2020-20201 will be my 20th year as an educator, and my 6th year at Queen Bee District 16!  Over the course of my career, I have taught elementary grades, 3-5; middle school math grades 6-8, and acclerated courses for Reading and Math at all levels.  Math education is my first passion.  Working with numbers to find patterns, tell stories, solve problems, and discover new meanings is what excites me; and what I hope to share with my students.  

As an instructional coach and gifted coordinator, I work to uphold the mission and vision of the school district, while supporting my fellow colleagues with best practices and the latest strategies.  I have the opportunity to work with students in different settings, and help to target what will help them continue to grow and be successful.

Outside of the district, I have a wonderful husband, and one daughter, who will be an 8th grader this year!  We have FOUR cats with big personalities that pretty much run the house!  I love to sew, binge Netflix and Hulu series, go for walks and take bike rides as a family.  We also do a lot of cooking in our home as a family!

I am very happy and thankful to work for a district that supports the students above all else, and looks for ways to constantly improve along the way.  Welcome to my website!