Principal's Message

  • Dear Americana Families, 


    Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year! As the new Principal of Americana Elementary School, I am looking forward to getting to know you and working together for a great school year. 

    This year I am fortunate to start my 18th year in Queen Bee School District 16. I served as a classroom teacher at Glenside Middle School, Assistant Principal at Americana Intermediate School, and Assistant Principal at Glenside Middle School. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the staff, students, and families in both buildings. 

    At Americana, our staff is committed to providing a nurturing environment for all our students, in partnership with our families and the community. We provide our students with access to educational opportunities that include a research-based curriculum with authentic literature and texts. A daily social-emotional curriculum helps our students become effective communicators and independent problem solvers. Americana students are exposed to a framework of growth mindset in order to assist them with academic stamina and perseverance. Our teachers differentiate learning in order to meet the diverse needs of our students, and challenge them to become their best selves on a daily basis.  

    We value consistent communication with parents and our community, and look forward to our next opportunity to partner or speak with you to ensure that your child has the most successful year possible. As Principal, I welcome your input and value our partnership, so please feel free to contact me at 630-260-6135 or



    Laura Marzullo