- Glen Hill Elementary School
- February, 2024 Newsletter
Glen Hill School
Email: jjonas@queenbee16.org
Website: www.queenbee16.org
Location: 1324 Bloomingdale Road, Glendale Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 630.260.6141Translation Available
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Mondays-Fridays 8:20 AM-3:00 PM
Half Days 8:20 AM-11:05 PM

Important Upcoming Dates
- 2/9 - Half Day for Students - Students Dismissed at 11:05AM
- 2/19 - No School - Presidents’ Day
2/20 - Erin’s Law Presentation for Parents via Zoom at 6:00PM
- 2/22 - Family Math Game Night at Glen Hill from 6:00-7:30PM
- 2/23 - Trimester 2 Ends
- 2/28-Family Event-Scholastic Book Fair 3:30-6:00
- 3/1 - No School - County Wide Institute Day & Report Cards posted in Skyward
SEL Spot
As we returned from winter break, your child’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) time in their class was spent reviewing classroom expectations and getting ready for a strong second half of the year. Many grade levels have been learning about Growth Mindset: encouraging students to have positive thoughts and learn from our mistakes. You can encourage a growth mindset at home by:
Speaking positively about mistakes and help your child see that they can learn from them
Praise your child for working hard, persisting when they struggled, or learning from a mistake
When a problem occurs, don’t focus on who or what to blame, but how the problem can be solved or what can be done differently if the problem happens again
Encourage the word YET - if they say, “I can’t read” change it to “I can’t read YET” and support them to learning the new skill
January Dynamic Dolphins
The following students were chosen as January's Dynamic Dolphins. They all have been excellent examples of the expectations at Glen Hill this month: Caring, Responsible & Always Learning.
KDG-Fabeha K, Charlie H, Enzo C, Nickolas A
1st-Shaira M, Israel A, James V, Alexander C
2nd-Emma M, Danna S, Emily B, Keshvi B, Ruben L
3rd-Jiles N, Samuel P, Arman D, Abigail C
4th-Stacey S, Rico, Leslie P, Izabel N, Areeba S
Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
We will be holding in person parent-teacher conferences for the spring.
March 7 , 2024 5:00-8:00 PM
March 12 , 2024 3:30-6:30 PM
Parent-teacher conference signs open on Wednesday, 2/14, and end on Sunday 2/26. Please see attached document on how to sign up for parent-teacher conferences.
Spring Book Fair
We are excited to host the Scholatic Book Fair February 26-29. We will hold a Family Event February 28th 3:30-6:00 (cash & card accepted at family event only, all other purchases with ewallet or online). Please see the following letters for more information.
2903415-F23-Principal-Letter-Book Fair.pdf
Valentine's Day
If you would like your student to bring something in for Valentine's Day to share with their classmates, please have it brought to the building on 2/14. Only treats such as cards, pencils, erasers, stickers, etc will be allowed. Please do not send in any food/candy types of items.
Toys & Pokemon Cards
Please do not send your student to school with items such as Pokemon cards, toys, fidgets, or other important items. These things can be distracting to your student's learning.
Smart Watches
Students may wear smart watches at school during the day. During the school day, when students are taking state assessments, such as IAR or ACCESS, they must be off and in their lockers. If at any time the watch becomes a disruption to your student or others, your student's teacher will contact you about next steps.
From The LMC
If you would like to read with your child during our Week of Literacy on Tuesday, February 28th, 10:30-11:00 please fill out the form below. Space is limited. Responses are due by Friday, February 16th at 3:30 pm.
Please remember to bring a form of identification with you that day so we may print a badge for you.
Also, give yourself enough time to get checked in at the office-we are anticipating many families attending and it can take a while to get everyone inside safely.
Siblings are not able to attend.
Breakfast Reminder
If students would like to get breakfast in the morning, they need to be at school and in the lunchroom by 8:15.
Reading Strategy Videos for Home
Looking for suggestions to read with your student at home? Check out these videos to support families
Third Grade Winter Show: Happy New Year! Third graders are proud to share the news about their upcoming winter show dates! They will be singing & celebrating everything winter and gratitude! Students in Ms. Firek’s Class attend with different classes, so their names are in the boxes. Ms. Pauletti’s Class performs on Tuesday 2/20, Ms. Flanagan’s Class performs Wednesday 2/21, and Ms. Gallo’s Class performs on Thursday 2/22. Here is the information for their February showtimes and dates! The shows will be in the music room at Glen Hill! We hope you can attend!! If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Alicia Doyle at adoyle@queenbee16.org.
Bravo!! Kindergarten, Second Graders & Fourth Graders did an amazing job performing for families the week before winter break! Thanks for your wonderful performances and sweet musical memories. Third grade students are charging ahead with learning new songs to play on their recorders.
Lost & Found
We have a bin located outside of the office for materials that have been found throughout the school. If your student is missing an item such as a sweatshirt, mittens, or a lunchbox, please have them check this bin.
If jewelry, glasses or other personal items are ever found, those are kept in the office for safe keeping.
Coming Into the Building
Safety is our number one priority at Glen Hill. For this reason, we need to limit the amount of people that are in our vestibule at one time. When coming to the school, please ring the bell and wait for one of our office staff members to let you into the building. If you are in the building, please do not open the door for visitors. Following this protocol will help to ensure the safety of everyone visiting the building.
Absences, Early Dismissals, or Late Arrivals?
Please contact the office for any changes to your student's day.630.260.6141 or 630.260.6143
Glenbard Parent Series
Join other families of elementary school, middle school and high schoolers, and professionals to learn about issues facing today’s youth. The Glenbard Parent Series engages top experts, parents and school staff to become proactive and informed in pursuit of the mutual goal to strengthen our communities. Events will be held virtually unless noted. Programs are free and open to the public. Click on the link below for upcoming events.
Glenbard Parent SeriesClick here for upcoming speakers for the GPSSevere Weather Dismissal
When we have inclement weather, we do not want to send students outside to wait for their rides home. We will hold students in the building and call them out to the cars once a family arrives. If there is enough time, we will send out an email blast notifying families of the dismissal process as it occurs.For walkers, please pick up your student at the back of the new gym. We will dismiss all walkers out the back door (Door 12)
Car riders will exit Door 13. Please do not stand close to Door 13, since that slows down our ability to safely get students from the building.
Glen Hill Expectations