  • GH

    School Day Hours

    Mondays-Fridays 8:20 AM-3:00 PM


    Half Days 8:20 AM-11:05 PM


    Important Upcoming Dates

    • October 9 - No School - Columbus Day

    • October 10 - No School for Students - Institute Day

    • November 2-Picture Retake Day

    • November 2 - District Math Night for all families located at Glenside

    • November 3 - Last Day of Trimester 1 and 1/2 Day for Students, Students dismissed at 11:05AM.

    • November 8 - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:30

    • November 16 - Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00


    Library Night Out at Glenside Public Library

    We hope to see Glen Hill families at our first Library Night Out on 10/11! The evening will take place from 6:00-7:30 PM, where students can participate in reading stories, playing games, and learning about all the cool library opportunities.



    Please do not send in food items or balloons to celebrate. These items will be returned home. If you would like to send in a celebration item to share with the class, novelty items such as pencils, bubbles, Play-Doh, and stickers are acceptable. This is optional for all students.


    What are Glen Hill's Morning Announcements Like?

    Each morning, at 8:25 we go over Glen Hill’s Daily Announcements. We begin our announcements by giving students time to quiet their minds and bodies. Students are reminded of the expectations at Glen Hill, as well as hearing about the important parts of the lessons we’ve been working on in Second Step. Next, we wish a Happy Birthday to students and staff for the day. The lunch options for students are read and we let students know they can choose a school lunch if they do not have lunch from home. We say the Pledge of Allegiance and end the announcements with a joke of the day. At the end of each announcement, we remind students that at Glen Hill-we are caring, responsible, and always learning.


    Toys At School

    Students should keep toys such as balls, dolls, stuffed animals, and cards at home. Please remind your students these items are safest at home. Toys can be a distraction to the learning environment when they are at school. In order to help keep our students focused and ready to learn during the school day, we ask that you not allow your child to bring toys or cards to school. The exception is when teachers offer this as a class reward. Teachers will let parents know if this is allowed for a special occasion.


    Fall Benchmarking

    Three times a year, all of our students participate in our benchmark assessments. These assessments help our teachers to plan for the students, as well as help us to know where our students are excelling or needing some more instruction in the areas of math and reading. For our Fall Benchmarking, all students in grades 1-4 will take the NWEA assessment as well as the AIMsWeb assessments. Your student’s teacher will share the results of this assessment with you at parent teacher conferences. We will hold these benchmarking assessments again in the winter and spring.


    Dynamic Dolphins

    Each month we recognize the students at Glen Hill who have consistently followed the school wide expectations of being caring, responsible, and always learning. These students are honored by being chosen as our Dynamic Dolphins of the month. For the month of September, please join us in congratulating our Dynamic Dolphins:


    • KDG-Muhammad A, Natalia J, Liliana H, Natasha C
    • 1st-Yaeili P, Brandon B, Lorene B, Safa S, Eddie O
    • 2nd-Rabiah M, Briana T, Sophia B, Aiden A, Natalie C
    • 3rd-Safoora F, Paloma F, Kawther E, Emma C
    • 4th-Melanie B, Maddie C, Sophia M, Uap N

    Coming in to GH?

    Reminder-any time you are coming into the building, please be prepared to present identification, such as a Driver’s License or state ID. This is especially important when you are picking your student up from school early. At times, there may be other people coming to pick up your student from school. Please inform them of our policy. If we see that the person is not on your student’s pick up list, we will ask for ID, as well as make sure the person is someone who is allowed to pick up your student. It is important that we maintain systems for students coming in and out of the building throughout the school day. (share sign up image)


    SEL Spot

    During your child’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) time in their class last month, they have engaged in activities to help create a comfortable classroom community and to learn skills to be a successful learner. We refer to some of these as executive function skills: listening, focusing and sustaining attention, getting organized, and learning time management.


    Our primary students learned that listening and focusing attention means that you use your whole body and follow the “Listening Rules.” Our eyes are watching, ears are listening, our voices are quiet, and our bodies are calm. When we listen, we can focus our attention and our brain can concentrate. It also means that we are ready to learn.

    ** Tip at home: when you need your child to listen and pay attention, remind them to show the “Listening Rules.” Give them a verbal or visual cue: eyes are watching, ears are listening, voice is quiet, and body is calm.



    Our intermediate students learned about listening with attention, by focusing on the words, not interrupting, asking questions to find out more, and to repeat what you heard to show you understand.

    ** Tip at home: encourage your child to repeat what you asked them to do to show that they were listening with attention.


    All students have learned about “Get Ready, Do, Done” as a way to complete tasks. The first step is to actually think about the end product: what should this look like when it’s finished. Then, we think about the steps needed to accomplish the task. And lastly, think about the first step: what materials are needed. Students have also learned about “Time Robbers,” or things that can distract them or steal time away from completing tasks. Students brainstormed ways to turn these into “Time Savers” or how to stay focused and save time to complete tasks.

    ** Tip at home: below is an example of “Get Ready, Do, Done” and how you can use it for cleaning their room. For some kids, pictures are better than words (so you can take a picture of their clean room for the next time!


    Get Ready = What materials do I need?

    I need:


    • My brain needs to be ready to work and focused

    • Dusting cloth

    Do = What are the steps to accomplish the task?

    Don’t let my toys steal my time - I can play when I’m done cleaning!

    1. Make my bed

    2. Fold and put clothes away

    3. Put dirty clothes in laundry basket

    4. Put away toys, books

    5. Dust furniture

    Done = What will it look like when done?


    1. Bed is made

    2. Clothes are in drawers or closet - no clothes on the floor

    3. Toys or books are away - not on the floor

    4. Furniture is clean


    You can use “Get Ready, Do, Done,” for any task you need your child to complete!


    LMC Happenings

    Kindergartners are coming to the library to choose two books to check out from our library, take home and enjoy! Please remind students to bring their books in their bags back to school. First graders are learning how to use shelf markers to find books on the library shelves. Please remind your students to bring their books back on time so everyone can enjoy them! Second graders are learning about how to find “just right” books in the library. It is a good idea for students to have at least one book that is not too easy, not too hard, but is something that they can read independently. Third grade students are learning how to use our online databases: PebbleGo, WorldBook and Britannica. These databases are available online 24/7 and include articles, games and activities. Please take a look at these wonderful resources! Here is a link to the database descriptions, usernames & passwords for all students to use: GH & AM Online Learning Resources. Fourth graders are continuing to learn to use Destiny Discover, our online library catalog. Please ask your student what they have learned so far!If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me!



    Kindergarten scientists have been working hard using our brains to learn about the structure and function of our inner body parts. We’ve learned all about our lungs, stomach, bones, and muscles so far! Students brought home model arm muscles and model lungs that we used in class to help us better understand the function of these body parts.


    First grade scientists have been exploring the patterns of the sun and are now starting to observe and investigate the patterns of the moon. We’ve used flashlights as our sun to try and create shadows. First graders can now explain how a statue’s shadow moves, ask them!


    Second grade programmers are super excited to finally get into some coding with Scratch Jr.! We have started pair programming (programming with a partner) and are working hard at learning the importance of communication and teamwork when completing coding projects with another student. Scratch Jr. is a free APP on Apple and Android devices, feel free to practice at home if you have the opportunity!


    Third grade scientists are investigating how human and animal inherited traits vary depending on our genes and identifying how some traits are multifactorial and are affected by our environments.

    Fourth grade programmers are hard at work learning our new coding program. In fourth grade we switch to an online programming curriculum called Tynker. We’ve been talking about loops and conditions in coding. Don’t know what that is? Ask your child to tell you! =)



    Third & Fourth grade students will be using their recorders soon!! The recorder orders were submitted to the office and will be ordered. Students will review notes B-A-G and the songs that were taught last year, along with new notes, rhythms, and songs. Recorders are kept at school until the end of the year. Third Graders will have a Jazz Unit when they have music class on Mondays. Fourth Graders will have a Bach to Rock Lesson, in which they travel back to the Baroque Period and travel all the way to modern music!

    Kindergarten through Second grade students are doing a fantastic job learning Autumn and Multicultural Music. The music concepts the students are learning and applying are steady beat, quarter notes, pairs of eighth notes, quarter rests, and half notes, in addition to musical phrases and performance. The Snowflake Shows will return to Glen Hill School on December 19-21 when your child or children attend music class. Specific information regarding the schedule will be sent out in a few weeks. The Snowflake Shows take place in the music room for an intimate & fun performance highlighting Fall & Winter Music. We also honor all veterans with a special song, too. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Alicia Doyle at: adoyle@queenbee16.org. Thank you!



    Thank you to everyone who participated in the National Walk, Bike, and Roll to school day! I enjoyed seeing everyone stop by and enjoy a wonderful morning before school. The month of October for PE includes our unit for the most popular sport in the world, Soccer. This is followed by Football, and then we end with some (not so) spooky Halloween themed activities.

    *Important Reminder*

    As the weather changes, make sure your child still has a pair of gym shoes to wear for PE every day. If it is easier, they may leave them in their lockers to change into. All of our activities require foot support that Crocs and boots don’t provide.


    Thank you,

    Mr. Morris



    Artsonia (online art gallery)

    PARENTS! Connect to Glen Hill School using Artsonia to receive important updates on your child's art classroom activity.


    Use your camera to scan this code.

    You can also browse to www.artsonia.com/parents and enter this Parent Code S8X8HS2P


    Art is taking SHAPE

    Our artists are finishing up their line unit and practicing applying patterns, textures and values to their artworks. Our next unit is shape.


    • Kindergarteners are practicing cutting and gluing on their Magic Carpets.

    • First Grade drew 5 different lines and painted Line Monsters.

    • Second Grade finished using chalk pastels to color in their symmetrical Warhol Butterflies.

    • Third Grade finished adding lines and texture to the Cezanne Fruit Bowls to show contrast. Lastly,

    • Fourth Grade created Onomatopoeias out of mixed media in inspiration of Roy Lichtenstien.

    Ways to Practice Math at Home


    Copy of GH SuccessMaker at Home

    Copy of GH SuccessMaker at Home

    SUCCESSMAKER: Targeted math practice! SuccessMaker is a supplemental program that tracks your child's math and reading skills on an individual basis. You can encourage your child to use SuccessMaker outside of school as well. *********************************************** Access your child's o...

    YouTube Kids Channels for Kids Who Love Stories

    YouTube Kids Channels for Kids Who Love Stories

    Keep the pages turning with these engaging channels that help foster endless imagination. Advice from Common Sense Media editors.



    Car Line

    In order to make sure our students are safe, please observe the following directions for dropping off and picking up your students. We know how valuable everyone's time is, but we also know keeping our students and staff safe is our priority.


    • Wait your turn in the line and do not move out of the car line.
    • Students should be let out of their cars curbside within the blue arrows.
    • Right turn on Bloomingdale Road only-NO LEFT TURN during the school day.
    • We discourage parking your car to drop off or pick your child, as it's a safety risk to your student.


    If you choose to walk your student to school, we recommend parking along Glen Hill Drive and walking to the building. The picture below shows the ideal places to park.


    Bus Lane

    These are reserved for our busses. Please park in the parking lot when arriving at Glen Hill. Do not use the bus lane during the school day.

    Absences, Early Dismissals, or Late Arrivals?

    Please contact the office for any changes to your student's day.

    630.260.6141 or 630.260.6143


    Glenbard Parent Series

    Join other families of elementary school, middle school and high schoolers, and professionals to learn about issues facing today’s youth. The Glenbard Parent Series engages top experts, parents and school staff to become proactive and informed in pursuit of the mutual goal to strengthen our communities. Events will be held virtually unless noted. Programs are free and open to the public. Click on the link below for upcoming events.

    Glenbard Parent Series
    Click here for upcoming speakers for the GPS

    Severe Weather Dismissal

    When we have inclement weather, we do not want to send students outside to wait for their rides home. We will hold students in the building and call them out to the cars once a family arrives. If there is enough time, we will send out an email blast notifying families of the dismissal process as it occurs.

    For walkers, please pick up your student at the back of the new gym. We will dismiss all walkers out the back door (Door 12)

    Car riders will exit Door 13. Please do not stand close to Door 13, since that slows down our ability to safely get students from the building.

    Glen Hill Expectations