Phone: 630-344-5600


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A., Spanish and Linguistics, University of Illinois M.A., Speech and Hearing Sciences, Indiana University Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Illinois state license in Speech-Language Pathology Illinois School Services Personnel certificate in Speech-Language Pathology Spanish special education approval Trained provider of Hanen It Takes Two to Talk and Learning Language and Loving It programs Awards for Continuing Education from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Mrs. Melanie Mazur


Welcome to a new school year!  My name is Mrs. Mazur, although the preschool children call me "Ms. Melanie".  I am a bilingual (Spanish) speech-language pathologist.  Currently, I work primarily with preschoolers in District 16. Through play, exploration and book sharing, children build their understanding and use of language, speech sound development, and interaction skills during speech-language therapy and classroom-based sessions.  It is my pleasure to watch them grow in their communication and social skills, and to see the wonder of discovery on their faces each day.  

Importantly, if your child is learning a language other than English at home, I am happy to support his/her bilingual development. Though I only speak Spanish and English proficiently, there are many ways that we can work together to strengthen your child's interactions in multiple languages.

I am so happy to get to know your child this school year! I look forward to helping him/her become a confident communicator.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via Seesaw, e-mail ( or by calling the Queen Bee Early Childhood Center (630-344-5600).

World Kids Multicultural Children Showing Love High-Res Vector ...         Speech Clipart Kids         Speech Therapist Character Woman Cartoon Vector Images (62)


¡Bienvenido a la escuela Queen Bee y al nuevo ciclo escolar! Mi nombre es Mrs. Mazur aunque los niños pequeños me conocen como "Ms. Melanie". Soy terapeuta del habla y lenguaje bilingue. Actualmente trabajo mayormente con niños de edad preescolar en el Distrito 16. A través del juego, la exploración y la lectura, los niños desarrollan sus destrezas de lenguaje, pronunciación e interacción social durante tanto las sesiones de terapia del habla como en el salón de clase. Me da muchísimo gusto verlos crecer y descubrir las maravillas de su mundo.

Si su niño(a) habla más de un solo idioma en casa, me encanta apoyar su desarrollo bilingue. Aunque solo domino el inglés y el español, juntos podemos hacer mucho para ayudarlo a interactuar en todos sus idiomas.

Me alegra tener la oportunidad de conocer y apoyar a su niño(a) este ciclo escolar para que se comunique con confianza en si mismo(a). No dude en comunicarse conmigo a través de Seesaw, correo electrónico ( o por teléfono (630-344-5600).