Principal's Message

Melissa Arquette
  • Dear Queen Bee Early Childhood Families,


    As the new school year quickly approaches, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and review some items that are specific to QBECC. My name is Melissa Arquette and I am the Early Childhood Principal. For our returning families, welcome back and for our new families, I am excited to meet you all. I hope that this note finds you enjoying the remaining days of summer and that you and your children are looking forward to beginning a wonderful school year together at the end of August. I can assure you that I share in this school community’s commitment to caring for your children each day while providing them with a high quality learning environment.


    A couple of important things to note, our dismissal times for each session have changed slightly. This will allow more time for families to pick up students at multiple buildings across the district, if needed. 




    First Official Day

    AM Session

    8:05 am - 10:35 am 

    Tuesday, August 22nd

    PM Session

    12:20 pm - 2:50 pm

    Wednesday, August 23rd


    Also, Queen Bee District holds several “School Improvement Days” and the buildings implement a half-day schedule. Since we already have half-day sessions, we will not have student attendance on these days and we will hold our Developmentantal Screenings. The first day of school in the district is a half-day therefore, only our morning session will be held. These important dates are listed below. 


    QBECC 2023- 2024 Important Calendar Dates

    August 22, 2023

    First Day (AM Session ONLY)

    SIP September 15, 2023

    No AM Session Attendance

    PM Session ONLY to make up for 8/22/23

    SIP November 3, 2023

    QBECC No Student Attendance 

    SIP February 9, 2024

    QBECC No Student Attendance 

    SIP April 12, 2024

    QBECC No Student Attendance 

    SIP May 6, 2023

    QBECC No Student Attendance 


    We will be using Learning Genie for our communication and assessment platform. We will not be using Seesaw.  More information pertaining to our program can be found in our Family Handbook on our website. 


    In closing, please know that I am available and open to converse with each one of you. I welcome positive input throughout this year. Let us always keep our students the primary focus of our work. I look forward to celebrating our collective successes during the 2023-2024 school year.




    Ms. Melissa Arquette

    Queen Bee Early Childhood Principal